Career Development Programs
SGIM is dedicated to providing professional and career development opportunities for members. Each of our career development programs is designed to accelerate your professional growth within a particular area of emphasis. Regardless of your current career level, there’s a program designed to help you uplevel your skills and propel your success.

The ACLGIM LEAD program is designed for junior- to mid-career faculty who wish to further develop their leadership skills. Training and coaching from leadership scholars and successful GIM leaders are provided at the SGIM/ACLGIM annual meeting and continue for one year afterward.

The TEACH certificate program was developed by SGIM’s Education Committee to address the needs of junior clinician educators. The program focuses on teaching skills and offers quality instruction and assessment with tangible outcomes.

SGIM's Leadership in Health Policy Program (LEAHP) aims to develop SGIM members who are active health policy advocates and local experts, leaders, and teachers. LEAHP also strives to continually broaden the robust national cadre of SGIM members who contribute to the Society’s health policy efforts.

SGIM's MedEd Scholarship Faculty Development Program is designed to foster clinician-educators’ scholarship skills. These skills, essential for career advancement in medical education and general internal medicine, allow participants to catalyze and disseminate innovative and excellent scholarship.

SGIM’s VA Partnered Research Training Program provides research-trained junior investigators with foundational knowledge and skills for engaging healthcare operations and/or policy leaders when designing, conducting and disseminating research and evaluation projects to meet practice, program and policy information needs and optimize impact on the healthcare system.
Other Programs

SGIM understands the important role mentoring offers both mentees and mentors. Our longstanding commitment to mentorship continues through a variety of different mentoring programs. Whether you’re looking for a structured, long-term program or something less intensive, our mentoring programs offer options to suit your current and future needs.

Unified Leadership Training for Diversity (UNLTD)
Focused on junior and senior faculty, the Unified Leadership Training for Diversity (UNLTD) is based on the premise that diversifying leadership is an effective way to diversify faculty, which is a near-universal goal among major academic organizations. Ultimately, diversity among faculty will provide an environment conducive to increased diversity among medical students.
Site Visit Program
The site visit program provides an opportunity for a GIM Division and Department to receive an objective assessment of its general internal medicine activities. After the visit has been completed, the site visit team provides suggestions for improvement to help the Division and its faculty contribute more effectively to the institution’s missions.
Career Advising Program (CAP)
The Women & Medicine Commission’s Career Advising Program (CAP) is a longitudinal sponsorship initiative to help junior and mid-career women faculty successfully navigate academic advancement opportunities by connecting these members with senior “Career Sponsors” throughout SGIM (i.e., Associate or Full Professors). Sponsoring activities focus on CV preparation, targeted committee membership, and strategies for relationship-building for career advancement.
UpToDate Subscription Grant Program
UpToDate, part of Wolters Kluwer Health, is an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource. SGIM collaborates with UpToDate by reviewing specialty topics to ensure accuracy and relevance to primary care providers. SGIM also awards a one year subscription to UpToDate to up to 20 clinicians working in domestic resource-limited settings that do not have the funds to subscribe.
HEAL Program
Harrington Equitable Academic Leadership (HEAL) Program is a one-year renewable career development program designed for early to mid-career physicians from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine. The HEAL Program is sponsored by the Harrington Trust in collaboration with Christiana Care, SGIM, and the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM). Currently, enrollment in the program is limited to physicians in the state of Delaware.
JGIM Editorial Fellowship
The JGIM Editorial Fellowship offers MDs and PhDs a unique opportunity to enhance their editorial and academic writing skills through mentorship and a competency-based curriculum. Successful fellows may become Associate Editors, advancing their academic careers. Applications will open in the summer of 2025.
Trainee Engagement Programs
Investing in GIM Membership Program
This membership program provides first year fellows with a one year complimentary SGIM membership. The 2024 application period is currently open–apply today because there are only 65 complimentary memberships available!
National Young Scholars in GIM Scholarship
This scholarship program is designed to give SGIM's medical students and resident members the opportunity to attend SGIM's premier annual meeting and to develop educational and leadership skills in the field of GIM.