Headshot Photo of Jada Bussey-Jones

A Message from the President

SGIM has been my professional home since I joined the Emory faculty over two decades ago. SGIM has provided countless opportunities for professional growth, collaboration, mentorship, advocacy, and engagement throughout my career. I am honored to serve as SGIM President, representing and supporting our members and working to ensure that SGIM continues to serve as an important and effective voice for our core values as academic general internists.

Jada Bussey-Jones, MD, FACP

2024-2025 SGIM President

Meet the 2024-2025 Council

SGIM Council is composed of the officers and six elected At-Large Members from the Society. Additionally, the Council includes non-voting, ex-officio members: the editor of the Forum, the editor of the Journal of General Internal Medicine, the chair of the Board of Regional Leaders, an Associate Member Representative, and the President of ACLGIM.

Regional Leaders

Each region within SGIM is governed by a group of regional leaders, and this group is in turn overseen by the Board of Regional Leaders (BRL).

Board of Regional Leaders

This group, comprising current regional presidents, oversees regional programs and collaborates with the SGIM Council to ensure that the society's strategic goals and functions are effectively addressed.

Past Presidents

Since its inception in 1978, SGIM has been led by a succession of outstanding men and women. These individuals have dedicated themselves to volunteer service for a three-year term, serving sequentially as the incoming president, president, and immediate past president of the Society.