In This Month's Issue
In the April issue of SGIM Forum, SGIM members get a preview of the SGIM 2024 Annual Meeting (#SGIM24). Drs. Jasrasaria and Cuneo review the twelve Special Symposia planned for the meeting, including the symposia titles and authors. Their article delineates the intentional choices for symposia that mirror the Annual Meeting theme “Strengthening Relationships and Valuing Our Diversity.”
In the second Annual Meeting article, Drs. Spinella and Metzinger share their Students, Residents, and Fellows (SRF) primer for first-time meeting attendees. This primer outlines the many opportunities for SRF participation in Annual Meeting programming.
Dr. Chodos and colleagues describe California’s Dementia Care Aware, including the benefits of California Senate Bill 48, which creates educational offerings for physicians to learn about and implement the Cognitive Health Assessment. Dr. Raveendran and team describe the development and implementation of the interprofessional Yale diabetes clinic and the associated benefits for trainees.
The leaders of the Women and Medicine Committee, Dr. McNamara and Dr. Chisty, reflect on lessons learned from SGIM member Dr. Leykum on reducing gender inequity at the individual, institutional, and association levels. Second-year resident and SGIM member Dr. Fenske shares her personal reflections on things she did not expect to learn during residency.
SGIM CEO Dr. Bass discusses the present illnesses of our healthcare system with SGIM's Past President, Dr. Shapiro, as they review his new book, “The Present Illness: American Health Care and Its Afflictions.” Finally, SGIM President Dr. Martha Gerrity reflects on the future of SGIM by looking back at her presidential tenure in her final presidential column.