Happy New Year to our SGIM family!
Now is the time to register for the SGIM 2021 Annual meeting to receive Early Bird registration rates. We are excited to offer incredible content and networking opportunities for the annual meeting—we hope you will join us. Here’s a Top 10 List for why you should register:
- Our meeting theme: Transforming Values into Action. Now, more than ever, the generalist voice is critically important to informing policy, health systems transformation, research, and education to promote health and equity.
- Networking and collaboration. Do you miss the chance to connect with professional colleagues, old friends, and distance mentors? The virtual platform offers multiple opportunities for both synchronous and asynchronous networking. Interest groups will have carved out time to connect. If you see a poster or a workshop of interest, you can reach out to the presenters for a virtual chat or to set up a 1:1 meeting.
- Flexible scheduling. Have you ever been frustrated at previous annual meetings when there were three great workshops running at the same time and you could only pick one? No worries! At SGIM 2021, you can attend one live session and watch the others later.
- Inspiring plenary speakers. We have an incredible line up of plenary speakers who will speak about current trends in healthcare, highlighting opportunities for engagement by generalists at all levels. We will hear inspiration from a medical student who has used her voice to enact changes in medical education and a law school dean who is seeking a cure for racial inequality in American healthcare—demonstrating that any one of us, and every one of us, can transform our values into action.
- Truly special, Special Symposia. The submissions for the Special Symposia are incredible as always. These are great forums to learn and reflect on the rapid changes that have happened in our world in the past year.
- Clinical Updates with Jeopardy. Clinical updates will be pre-recorded so you don’t have to miss a thing! We encourage you to watch all of them and pay attention—there will be a Jeopardy-style competition at the end.
- Connect with poster presentations. Never have enough time to see all the posters you want to during a session? Feel overwhelmed wandering through a giant hall with posters? Through the virtual poster hall, you will be able to see all of the posters without worrying about conflicting schedules or limited session times. You can even search for posters by type and category to find all the latest in your areas of interest. You can also connect with poster presenters virtually via a Chat function to ask questions and set up collaborations.
- Learn about Innovations. With so many changes in the past year, clinicians, educators, researchers, leaders, and administrators have all had to adapt quickly. Hear how others have leveraged the circumstances to innovate and create new initiatives that are advancing generalist values.
- Our community. Join your friends who have been working so hard to create an amazing virtual meeting. Please thank them for their tireless work and creativity!
- Program Chairs: Rita Lee and Yael Schenker
- Workshops: Kate Wrenn and Jane Jih
- MOC: Deborah Kwolek and Darlene LeFrancois
- Scientific Abstracts: Stacey Jolly and Zirui Song
- Evaluations: Robin Klein and Francois Rollins
- Innovations in Healthcare Delivery: Liz Dzeng and Danielle Loeb
- Innovations in Medical Education: Leilani Lee and Susan Urban
- Mentoring: Utibe Essien and Era Kryzhanovskaya
- Symposia: Michael Mueller and Sabrina Taldone
- Career Development: Maddie Sterling and Amy Sheer
- Student/Resident/Fellow Programming: Karla Williams and Dan Restrepo
- Updates: Yvette Cua and Jeannine Engel
- Vignettes: Rob Fortuna and Amanda Clark
- Scheduling: Magni Hamso
- Interest Groups: Lydia Pace and Christopher Terndrup
- Distinguished Professors: Nia Mitchell
- Hamolsky/Lipkin Awards: Eileen Reynolds
- VA Special Series: Erin Krebs
- SGIM Annual Meeting Staff: Corrine Melissari and Jasmine Russell
- Enjoy the meeting in your pajamas! With a virtual meeting, you save time and money because you don’t need to travel and you can enjoy the meeting from the comfort of your own home or office. OK, we don’t actually recommend wearing pajamas with your professional shirt, but we won’t tell if you have your bunny slippers on.
We look forward to seeing in you in April for an engaging meeting!
Health Equity, Health Policy & Advocacy, Medical Education, Research, SGIM
Author Descriptions
Dr. Lee (Rita.Lee@cuanschutz.edu) is a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Dr. Schenker (yas28@pitt.edu) is associate professor of medicine and director of the Palliative Research Center (PaRC) at the University of Pittsburgh
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