Preparing this month’s issue of SGIM Forum—a second volume on the theme of “Medical Education Innovations and Explorations” from October 2022—happily coincided with a singularly important medical education milestone in the annual life cycle of SGIM: the #SGIM23 submission deadline for clinical updates, workshops, and interest groups. The Special Symposium submission deadline always seems to sneak up on us quickly at the summer’s end. This second deadline can do the same, although it also seems to crescendo more slowly as a self-reinforcing sense of anticipation up until 11:59 pm ET on that fateful submission due date. Just in time, teams prepare and send in their best work for the upcoming annual meeting, serving their work up for peer-review judgment. Will that workshop or clinical update be accepted into the prestigious upcoming annual meeting of SGIM?
SGIM excels at diversifying educational offerings and ensures they are in keeping with contemporary issues and learning modalities. LeRoi Hicks, SGIM President, encourages us to explore various SGIM platforms for learning. Shelly-Ann Fluker and Milda Saunders, co-chairs of the SGIM 2023 Annual Meeting, share a glimpse of #SGIM23 ahead—and offer a gentle nudge on the early bird registration end date of December 1 (another date that sneaks up on us!). Each article in this issue seeks to support faculty in their routine work as growth-oriented and continuously learning professionals. For example, Greenberg, et al, describe daily teaching tips despite busy clinical demands, and Haynes, et al, suggest ways to go outside the standard learning box to challenge learners. Gielissen, et al, ask us to look inward at how we trust to become better educators. Also, when leading a division or department, one can work to systematize faculty support and development, as Ruff, et al, and Sakumoto and Dunn suggest in their articles. Eric Bass, SGIM CEO, and William Tierney, SGIM Philanthropy Committee Chair, remind us how valuable philanthropy efforts, like Forging Our Future, enable additional learning and career development programs possible for SGIM members.
There is always more to do, more to teach, and more to learn. This month’s issue is loosely focused on aspects of faculty development and skill development as a clinician-educator. And SGIM always has much more to offer. I’m grateful that many SGIM members contribute every year to the annual meeting’s high-quality continuing education every year at the annual meeting as well as at regional meetings and virtual live or asynchronous activities. As a reminder for us all: Keep calm and keep on learning!1
- Leung TI. Keep calm and keep on learning. SGIM Forum. Published April 2021. Accessed October 15, 2022.
Career Development, Leadership, Administration, & Career Planning, Medical Education, SGIM
Ask an Ethicist: Caring for an Incarcerated Patient
For “Ask an Ethicist,” members of the SGIM Ethics Committee respond to…