In This Month's Issue
In the September Forum, communication is a focal point in the article by Dr. Rabinovich et al as they tackle the problem of end-of-training handoffs of care in trainee clinics and their novel electronic medical record intervention using sticky notes to tackle this issue. This handoff is pertinent not only in trainee clinics but also across the healthcare system.
Dr. Pasha et al from the Health Policy Committee provide us with a framework to use our voices along with their structured approach to advocate for those whose voices go unheard. Dr. Michener et al summarize two recent articles that offer opportunities for Internists to have conversations regarding long-acting reversible contraceptive care with patients. The Medical Education awards subcommittee converses with the 2023 awardees regarding their passions, lessons learned, and successes.
SGIM President, Dr. Martha Gerrity, sheds light on the SGIM Council's decision making process and provides insight into SGIM's priorities for 2023-24. Dr. Eric Bass, CEO of SGIM, and ACLGIM's leaders discuss the crisis in recruitment and retention of academic general internists. The September issue also introduces the new "Did You Know?" mini column which will highlight aspects of the society members may be unaware of.
Finally, Dr. Agusala reminds us of the clinical impacts of conversations and communications around nutrition by highlighting food as medicine and the clinical implications of our conversations. Her open-ended questions and suggested phrasing delineate strategies to save time for the busy clinician while creating clinical impacts in patient care.