In This Month's Issue
This mid-summer issue of SGIM Forum offers an educational potpourri. In this issue, Jani writes about Reflejos, an arts and humanities online publication, for which she served as editor. Eric Bass, SGIM CEO, and Rita Lee, chair of the 2021 Annual Meeting Program Committee, reflect on a successful virtual annual meeting. Mulligan, et al, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of block grants, discussed at a LEAHP scholars journal club. Schmidt, et al, offer documentation tips to meet both patient needs and new CMS documentation requirements. Buell, et al, explains assessment of residents’ interest in performing procedures and implications for educational curricular planning. Le, et al, share high-yield insights on POCUS usage in evaluating patients with COVID-19. Finally, Levine recommends Closing the Gender Pay Gap in Medicine, a timely book that features contributions from members of the SGIM Women and Medicine Commission. Maybe the July Effect is just us revving our (learning) engines!