In This Month's Issue
Explore the first 2023 issue of SGIM Forum today!
Read about mock calls for medical students to learn management of medical emergencies from Drs. Nikesh Kapadia and Shanu Gupta. Dr. Milad Memari and colleagues in the SGIM Medical Education Committee offer part two of their Medical Education Update on educational innovations in addressing inequity and bias. Additionally, Drs. Arlene Betancourt and Mari Ricker offer perspectives on integrative medicine for residency training. Dr. Karisten Ann Ehrenberger reflects on opportunities to improve trainee knowledge and competencies in promoting healthy nutrition. Medical student Tanvee Varma and co-authors present a case of Budd-Chiari syndrome, noting the importance of early and timely diagnosis to potentially reduce or avoid complications of the condition.
In his President's column, Dr. LeRoi Hicks, SGIM President, identifies specific opportunities for SGIM to influence health policy to promote equitable systems of care. Dr. Eric Bass, SGIM CEO, converses in his monthly Q&A column with Dr. Anders Chen, Larry McNeely II, Director of Policy for the Primary Care Collaborative, and Ann Greiner, Primary Care Collaborative President and CEO, on the organization's vision, mission, and key steps towards health equity and high-quality primary care via policy change. Lastly, Dr. Tiffany Leung, SGIM Forum Editor-in-Chief, offers thanks to the SGIM Forum team and looks forward to 2023 ahead!