Michael Hendricks’ medical career emerged from a background in psychology and cultural anthropology at UC Berkeley. He subsequently completed medical school at the University of Southern California, before matching to Radiology residency in the San Francisco Bay Area. After two years, he desired more direct patient interaction than afforded by the dark confines of the reading room, and transferred to OHSU to complete residency within the Internal Medicine Department. Despite every intention of moving back to California upon graduation, he found he could not leave the nonpareil clinical atmosphere and colleagues at OHSU, and opted to remain on staff as an academic hospitalist. Here, he cultivated professional interests in Transfer Medicine, Medical Humanities, physician scheduling and wellness. He currently serves as the Assistant Medical Director of the Division of Hospital Medicine and Medical Director of the Intake Hospital group, a cohort of physicians tasked with inter- and intra-hospital triage of all medicine patients. In his leisure time, he enjoys travelling abroad, art, watching Jeopardy, reading/writing, and collecting old vinyl Japanese movie monster toys.
Job Title
Assistant Professor
Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine