
Dr. Alfred Burger is a Professor of Medicine and Medical Education at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the Senior Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency at Mount Sinai Morningside/West. Dr. Burger has been an active member of SGIM since 2005. Dr. Burger completed his internal medicine training and a Chief Resident year at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Burger has published on a number of topics on medical education and hospital operations. He has received the SGIM Mid-Atlantic Regional Awards in Excellence in Clinician Education in 2016 and the 2020 Award for Leadership. Dr. Burger has served as an Associate Editor for the SGIM Forum for the past 9 years. Burger has served as an author for the SGIM Choosing Wisely Guidelines and a member of the IM ACGME Milestones 2.0 workgroup. Dr. Burger has published and speaks nationally on a wide variety of clinical and educational topics. Dr. Burger remains an active member of SGIM, serving on several committees

Job Title

Professor of Medicine and Medical Education


Mount Sinai Morningside/West