The SGIM Midwest Region has announced its 2023 award winners, recognizing remarkable achievements across various categories in the field. These awards shine a spotlight on individuals who have demonstrated outstanding contributions and innovations in healthcare.

Award for Excellence in Clinician Investigation

Kathryn Martinez, PhD, MPH from the Cleveland Clinic, has been honored for her exceptional research and investigative work in the medical field.

Award for Excellence in Clinician Education

Rasika Karnik, MD of the University of Chicago, is recognized for her outstanding contribution to clinician education, shaping the future of medical practices.

Award for Advocacy and Community Service

Curtis Wright, MD, MBA from Indiana University School of Medicine, receives accolades for his significant advocacy and community service work, impacting lives beyond the clinical setting.

2023 Bite-Size Teaching Award Winner

Jennifer Woodard, MD of the Medical College of Wisconsin, for her innovative approach in ‘Bringing the 5Ms to IM’, enhancing the learning experience in internal medicine.

2022 Midwest Poster Award Winners

Clinical Vignettes
  • 1st Place: Juliana Mary Mitchell, BS from Rush University Medical Center, for “The Likely Zebra and the Unlikely Horse: A Case of Painless Jaundice in a Chron’s Disease Patient.”
  • 2nd Place: Cameron B. Speyer, BA, MS of the University of Michigan Medical School, for “Getting Lup-y: A Case of Severe Acute Pancreatitis Related to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.”
  • 3rd Place: Samuel Trump, MD from the University of Chicago, for “A Case of Complicated Precipitated Opioid Withdrawal in the Era of High-Potency Synthetic Opioids.”
Scientific Abstracts
  • 1st Place: Karen John, BS from Northwestern University Department of Medicine, for “Perspectives on a COPD Virtual Medication Reconciliation and Education Program: COPD-V-M(ED) Program.”
  • 2nd Place: Megan Huisingh-Scheetz, MD. MPH from the University of Chicago, for “Paying it Forward: Assessing the Impact of Nominating Deserving Women for Awards on Confidence Level and Future Behavior of Nominees.”
  • 3rd Place: Daniel Y. Johnson, BA from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, for “Evaluation of the Implementation of a Real-World Primary Care-Collaborative Care Model for Adults with Cognitive Impairment and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms.”
  • 1st Place: Carolyn Read, MS from Oak Street Health, for “Supportive Care: Building Provider Confidence in Delivering Effective, Culturally Appropriate Goals of Care Conversations for Underserved Patients.”
  • 2nd Place TIE: Dhiraj Tadikamalla, MD, from Wayne State University School of Medicine, for “Using a Human-Centered Design Process to Optimized User Experience of the InPACT at Home Website to Promote Youth Physical Activity” and Gabrielle Spring, MD from the University of Kansas School of Medicine, for “Exploring Characteristics of Patients Using Telehealth vs In-Person Visits in General Internal Medicine Clinic.”

Congratulations to all the winners for their groundbreaking work and contributions to the field of general internal medicine!

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