Who Should Be Nominated
Horn Scholar applicants who are SGIM or ACLGIM members must meet the following requirements: They should have a role as a clinician-educator with a current academic appointment in a Division of General Internal Medicine or a Department of Internal Medicine. Applicants must desire to work part-time, in a 0.5 – 0.8 FTE position, and agree to allocate the remaining 0.2-0.5 time for dependent care (children, parents, etc.) and self-care and wellness activities. They should be motivated to develop a scholarly project related to provider engagement and wellness, be engaged in caring for underserved patients, and have two committed mentors to support their scholarly activities and a balanced lifestyle. Additionally, they should promote the vision and goals of the Horn Grant by presenting their work locally, regionally, and nationally where appropriate and submit annual career development plans and financial reports.

The Mary O’Flaherty Horn Scholars in General Internal Medicine Program is a two-year career development award for clinician-educators. The Horn Award provides junior clinician-educators funding to support their academic careers while balancing personal and professional responsibilities. It offers scholars a flexible schedule and protected time for engaging in meaningful career development and scholarly activities. Applicants for the Horn Award who propose scholarly work or advocacy, locally or nationally, focusing on provider engagement and wellness or social responsibility in healthcare will be viewed favorably. Areas of general medicine covered include primary care, geriatrics, and hospital medicine. The Horn Grant offers funding of $30,000 annually for two years from the SGIM Horn Scholars Endowment, supplemented by matching funds or support of $30,000 annually for two years from the scholar’s institution.

Current Winner

Masha Slavin, MD

Headshot photo of Masha Slavin

Past Winners

2023 Shreya Trivedi
2020 Tyra Fainstad
2016 Abigail Lenhart
2013 Jessica Knape
2007 Rachel Levine
2004 Rebecca A. Harrison
1999 Chinazo Cunningham

Nominations Open

October 2, 2024

Submission Deadline

January 27, 2025
