In This Month's Issue

In this issue of SGIM Forum, Martha Gerrity, SGIM President, explores the identity of our specialty – general internal medicine (GIM) – and how much richer our field of work has become.

On the note of education, Detsky lightens the virtual mood with “The Music Video,” which started as a teaching method he employed during the COVID-19 pandemic to “counterbalance all the sadness we see in our patients.” Since peak pandemic years, the objectives shifted to set the day’s mood, improve powers of observation, and teach a bit about musical theater. Read the full article for links to a sample playlist. In the article of the month, Doolittle and Gielissen describe Milestones 2.0 as the next evolution of trainee assessment, while also advocating for the appointment of an assessment officer to bridge the milestone gap between intended and actual assessment application.

Elaborating on advocacy as a core skill in GIM professions, Eric Bass, SGIM CEO, asks Schwartz, Director of SGIM’s Leadership in Health Policy Program (LEAHP), and Goodson, LEAHP mentor and long-time member of the Health Policy Committee, about the current state of SGIM advocacy development. Flatmann and Jackson share a resident’s viewpoint visiting Capitol Hill for the first time as a physician-advocate ready to meet with Tennessee legislators. Additionally, Berger, Khawaja, and George offer a new Ask An Ethicist column, in this case, addressing the care of undocumented immigrants.

Ganesan and Rao share a morning report with takeaway points that highlight the influences of racial bias on the patient’s care and on clinical documentation. Jackson and Conner offer a morning report with key learnings about recognizing and maintaining a broad differential diagnosis for skin reactions.

Leung, SGIM Forum Editor-in-Chief, pens her final Editor’s column, ending a three-year term and reflecting on the pivotal influence of such service as a SGIM member. SGIM Forum is a place for members to share their diverse perspectives and experiences, advocacy, research, and clinical work. Submit articles or artwork to Michael Landry, incoming SGIM Forum Editor-in-Chief, at

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Benjamin R. Doolittle, MD, MDIV; Katherine Gielissen, MD, MHS
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Christopher D. Jackson, MD; Ms. Anna Conner
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