In This Month's Issue

The SGIM Forum editorial team, in conjunction with our Special Guest Editors, bring this theme issue on geriatric care to SGIM members to improve the care of our older patients. This task includes initiative and advocacy. Eventually, most of us will need a caring and empathetic healthcare provider to negotiate the healthcare system and promote our health and well-being as we age. The articles within this theme issue will assist us in becoming more aware of current healthcare topics.

In this theme issue, Stephanie Nothelle, MD, reviews the definitions and diagnostic criteria of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, describes available screening tests for MCI and dementia, and discusses how to sensitively share a diagnosis of dementia. Jennifer Carnahan, MD, MPP, et al. discuss the risks and benefits of new dementia treatments and call on SGIM members to advocate for trials that reflect the diversity of their patients. By doing so, SGIM members can foster a more equitable healthcare landscape and ensure everyone receives the care they deserve. Natalie Sohn, MD, helps readers understand the limitations of GFR estimation and CKD diagnostic criteria to provide better care for older adults with possible renal dysfunction.

Eva P. Szymanski, MD et al. give an overview of the Geriatric 5MS and provide tips for incorporating them into practice. Mary L. Thomas, MD, MP, et al. dive deeper into one of the 5Ms, What Matters Most, encouraging SGIM members to reevaluate their patients' values and ensure they continue to align with their patients’ preferences and care plans. Elise Binder, MD, MEd, et al. discuss the complexity of capacity assessments when determining if an older adult is safe to live independently.

We present two articles on the topic of deprescribing. SGIM President Martha Gerrity, MD, MPH, PhD, FACP, discusses the barriers to deprescribing and provides physicians with facilitators for addressing those barriers. Katie Drago, MD, FACP, et al. focus on deprescribing in hospitalized older adults, urging physicians to use hospitalization as an opportunity to check on medication safety and intervene in cases of polypharmacy. Finally, learn more about SGIM's Geriatrics Commission in an article from SGIM CEO Eric Bass, MD, MPH; Chair of SGIM's Geriatrics Commission, Patricia Harris, MD, MS; and Co-Chair of SGIM's Geriatrics Commission, Kathleen Drago, MD, FACP.

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Eva P. Szymanski, MD; Jessica X. Zuo, MD
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Natalie Sohn, MD
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Katie Drago, MD, FACP; Seki Balogun, MD, FACP, AGSF
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