In This Month's Issue
In this issue, the first August SGIM Forum in-person annual meeting recap since 2019, we appreciate the joys of gathering via official photography from the live in-person event. Eric Bass, SGIM CEO, and Matthew Tuck and Nicole Redmond, #SGIM22 program co-chairs, reflect on this landmark occasion occurring during a pandemic. LeRoi Hicks, SGIM President, also reflects while also looking ahead towards #SGIM23. An annual tradition, we also again recognize the SGIM award recipients, accompanied by additional inspirational stories shared by the Education award recipients. In Ask an Ethicist, members of the SGIM Ethics Committee analyze a case question about caring for an incarcerated patient. Finally, Rebekah Scott and Christina Shields, fourth-year medical students share their unique peer-to-peer teaching experience on learning about medical billing. SGIM and Forum are ready to sate that appetite for learning!