PCP is the term not ranked so high
We hear a low and continuous sigh
Students and residents fear this flight
And so, choose a specialty in sight
Eighteen years ago, I took this route
Since then, there is no turn around
The journey has been very steady
The love for it is more than ever ready

Initially friends became my patients
Now, patients have become my friends
The long-term relationship is very special
The stories and anecdotes are especial
The days can sure be long and busy
The forms and tasks can make one dizzy
The art of medicine keeps the fire strong
The love for profession keeps it glowing

Some complain the system is not perfect
Some complain there is not enough respect
Some complain not enough reimbursement
Some complain not enough endorsement
The joy of swimming keeps the motion
The variety of strokes improves the vision
Paper chart to electronic is indeed a transition
Going with the flow is always the best decision

Physicals, follow ups, urgent visits make the day
Different patient characters make an interesting play
The changing concept of science creates a maze
The epic updates add a convoluted glaze
Preop, pain med or puzzling fatigue
The answer is going to your PCP league
May we accept the role with cheer
Primary care physician be in the frontier

May the love come from within
May the satisfaction grow from within
May the surplus dollars not make one blind
May the abundance be felt within the mind
May I be the change I want to see
May I be the PCP I want to have
May I change from being a consumer
May I become a contributor



Advocacy, Clinical Practice, Leadership, Administration, & Career Planning, Medical Education, SGIM, Wellness

Author Descriptions

Dr. Niranjan (niranjan@uchc.edu) is an associate clinical professor in the department of medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.
