As with previous issues this year, the future of academic general internal medicine dominates the conversation. We welcome Dr. Mohan (Mo) Nadkarni as our ACLGIM President for this term as he reflects on the main findings from the Hess Institute meeting with Civic Canopy. Dr. Nadkarni mentions that we need to recognize the increased workload of primary care, especially regarding asynchronous care. Dr. Hooper reminds us that, as leaders, we need to apply the same attention and diligence to leadership rounds as we do to patient care rounds. Dr. Kimberly Manning, better known by her social media handle of

@gradydoc, shares a heartwarming two-part story of a chance encounter with a young man during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay tuned to read about what happened when she told him that “Medicine needs you.”

Finally, it’s time for us to seek out the next generation of editors for the ACLGIM Leadership Forum. With this issue, we are requesting applications for the next editor of the forum. Full details will be posted on the ACLGIM Member Forum on GIM Connect.



ACLGIM, COVID-19, Leadership, Administration, & Career Planning, Medical Education, Social Determinants of Health, Wellness
